New Poem posted on Verse-Virtual


Thanks to Editor Firestone Feinberg for publishing my poem entitled “Tropic of No Return” in the December issue of Verse-Virtual.


Thanks for looking!

Thanks for looking!

*If you like this poem or any others mentioned on my site, please “Like” the pages here or on other social media.

“I’ll call for pen and ink and write my mind.”
–William Shakespeare, Henry VI Part I, Act V Scene iii

2 Poems in South Florida Poetry Journal

Two of my poems appear in the November, 2016 issue of the South Florida Poetry Journal. Thanks to Editor Lenny DellaRocca and his staff. The poems are titled “Raising Pigeons” and “The Knocking at the Gate.”

(Scroll down to see the poems and listen to my reading of “The Knocking at the Gate” but don’t forget to read the other poems in this issue).

Thanks for looking!

*If you like these poems or any others mentioned on my site, please “Like” the pages here or on other social media.

“I’ll call for pen and ink and write my mind.”
–William Shakespeare, Henry VI Part I, Act V Scene iii

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